Sexual dysfunction is a problem that occurs among 43 percent of the women. It can interfere with the normal sex life of a woman and prevent consummation of the relationship with a partner. Known as Female Sexual Dysfunction (FSD), this condition can result in a woman to experience dissatisfaction with their sex life, thus leading to frustration and grief. Sexual dysfunction can interfere with some of the crucial aspects of sexual activity such as the sex drive, arousal, and orgasm.
Issues like sexual dysfunction require proper diagnosis and treatment. It is better to seek the services of a free womens health clinic if experiencing any of such issues. They will prescribe the necessary treatment that includes offering psychological and emotional support along with relieving the problem using adequate medications. Female sexual dysfunction manifests itself in the form of certain signs, which are described below.
Difficulty in Reaching Orgasm
Orgasms are necessary for sex and conclude the activity with a peak surge in sexual pleasure. Most women find it difficult to achieve a normal orgasm during coitus. This is the result of certain factors such as the lack of foreplay, anxiety, low sex drive, smoking, alcohol consumption, medications, and even some diseases. The lack of proper arousal is one of the major causes associated with preventing a satisfying sexual climax.
Foreplay can prepare the body for accepting the other stages of sex such as penetration, sexual pleasure, and the intense climax. This includes the erection of nipples, increased breathing and heartbeat rate, enhanced sensitivity of the skin and smell, etc. Abstaining from such practices can make it difficult for women to reach orgasm during sex.
Low Libido Levels
Libido or the sex drive can become increasingly lowered when a woman is suffering from sexual dysfunction. It can occur due to a variety of problems such as low blood pressure, diabetes, depression, deteriorating relationship levels, etc. Low libido will decrease the interest in sex and the need for sex among women. It can cause a woman to respond unfavorably to a sexual situation, and as a result, derive less pleasure from the sexual intercourse.
Dryness in Vagina
Vaginal dryness is commonly associated with sexual dysfunction in women. It is caused due to certain changes in the hormones that can occur mostly during the times of breastfeeding or menopause. Dryness in the vagina can result in the sexual activity to become uncomfortable for both the partners. The vagina secretes lubricants during arousal that helps in smooth penetration. Dryness can make it difficult for penetration and even result in painful sex.
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