Healthy Ageing For Women: Smart & Affordable Choices For Everyday Life


Luxury organic products or detox treatments are available for women. But, women should not rely on this solution to stay healthy, regardless of their financial circumstances. Here are some simple and well-studied healthy aging tips for women to implement in her daily life.

Regular Health Check-Ups

Women can avoid serious or irreversible health problems by having annual health checkups at low-income clinics. You may feel fine in general and decide not to need an appointment. However, many medical conditions can remain dormant without symptoms and can cause long-term health problems if not detected early. Therefore, regular preventative screenings are imperative. You won’t regret it.

Prioritize Sleep

Sleeping seven to nine hours a night is a great way to maintain overall health. Sleep aids detoxification, hormone regulation, cell repair and regeneration, and metabolic balance. The benefits of healthy sleep habits extend to many other areas of your physical and mental well-being.

Make Sure You Exercise Moderately

This doesn’t mean you have to hit the gym or jog. Physical activity occurs when your body moves and your heart rate increases. In a recent study, people who exercised had a 22 percent lower risk of premature death — even if they exercised for fewer than 150 minutes a week. You can walk, hike, swim, take yoga classes, bike, etc. But that may not be practical for all, so you may consider dancing, climbing stairs, or parking in the farthest parking lot and walking there. Women are encouraged to find ways to incorporate exercise into their daily routines.

Eat Anti-Inflammatory Foods To Reduce Inflammation

Instead of restricting your diet, choose whole, fresh, anti-inflammatory foods. Reduce inflammation in your body to look and feel better. Patients who follow an anti-inflammatory diet (such as the Mediterranean diet) can manage their health issues with fewer medications and interventions.

Quit Smoking Completely

There is nothing complicated about this. There are no healthy alternatives to smoking, including e- cigarettes and vaping. Let your doctor know that you are having difficulty quitting, and they can work with you to find a program that works.

Manage Your Stress With The Right Tool

Identify the stress management tools that work for you. Everyone has different stress management needs, so it is important to find the tools that work best for you. Some may find that exercise, yoga, or meditation help them manage stress. Others may find that talking to friends, writing a journal, or taking a break from their work can reduce their stress levels.

Make Social Connections A Priority

Having a high-quality network is essential if you lack a social network or your connections have stagnated. High-quality relationships are associated with longer lives, greater happiness, and better heart, brain, endocrine, and immune function, which may reduce chronic disease risk.

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    About the Author

    Dr. Ghassan M. Al-Jazayrly, MD

    A graduate of University of Aleppo Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Al-Jazayrly or, as he is colloquially known: Dr. AJ, is an oncologist and hematologist of a Complete Care Community Health Center (CCCHC) with more than 36 years of experience. In recent years, he’s been involved with a non profit organization known as Every Woman Counts (EWC) which provides free breast and cervical cancer screening and diagnostic services to California’s underserved populations in order to eliminate health disparities for low-income individuals.

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