Understanding Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is a form of cancer that attacks the breast cells. As per the health professionals in the free women’s clinic, it is the second most commonly observed form of cancer in women after skin cancer. Very good support for breast cancer awareness and research has helped make many advances in the diagnosis and cure of breast cancer. The survival rate of breast cancer patients has increased a lot due to factors like early detection, personalized treatment options, and improved understanding of the disease.
What Are The Indicators Of Breast Cancer?
Breast cancer can have many signs and symptoms. Some of the most common ones include:
- A thickening or lump in the breast that can feel different from the surrounding tissue.
- Differences in the breast skin, like dimpling.
- Changes in the size, shape, and overall appearance of a breast.
- Recent changes in nipple like an inverted nipple.
- Crusting, peeling, scaling of the areola.
- Pitting or redness of your breast skin.
When Should You See A Doctor?
If you recently find a lump or any other change in any of your breasts, make an appointment with a doctor in an affordable health clinic in your locality to have a prompt evaluation.
What Are The Catalysts Of Breast Cancer?
Breast cancer can occur when the breast cells start to grow abnormally. These abnormal cells can grow and divide rapidly when compared to healthy cells and can accumulate, resulting in a lump. Oftentimes, breast cancer can begin with the cells that are present in the milk-producing ducts of the breasts. Another tissue that can get affected is the glandular tissue present in the breast. In the former case, it is called invasive ductal carcinoma, and in the latter case, invasive lobular carcinoma.
Studies on breast cancer have identified environmental, lifestyle, and hormonal factors that can shoot up the possibility of advancing breast cancer. In the opinion of many experts, it is more likely that breast cancer can be caused by a complex interaction of the genetic makeup of a person and the environment.
Diagnosing Breast Cancer
By a careful examination of your family history, a doctor can understand whether or not you are at risk of being affected by breast cancer in the near future. After that, the professional can suggest options to decrease the risk. The options can include preventive medications like estrogen-blocking medications and preventive surgery. Oftentimes, additional tests like breast ultrasound, MRI, biopsy, and diagnostic mammogram are performed to diagnose breast cancer.
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