In the last article we covered some of the common misconceptions and myths associated with PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome) – here are a few more to be mindful of when it comes to a PCOS diagnosis.
That Every Woman with PCOS is Infertile
It is true that women affected with PCOS can be infertile. However, this does not mean that every PCOS-affected woman is unable to conceive a healthy baby. This is just a common symptom, but not a rule; in most cases where it does occur, it can be effectively treated. Usually, women suffering from PCOS and obesity can regain the ability to ovulate regularly, by shedding just 10% of their body weight. Apart from this, medication can effectively alleviate the chances of infertility in sufferers. One of the popular and inexpensive ovulation-inducing pills is Clomiphene. Note that this medication is not recommended for the long term. In fact, a majority of women may get pregnant within four months of Clomiphene treatment.
PCOS is Painful
Normally, the egg begins to develop within a tiny follicle cyst on the ovary, during a normal menstrual cycle. During the ovulation phase, this egg would get separated from the ovary, and make its way to the fallopian tube. Additionally, the free cyst of the egg dissolves over time. When it comes to PCOS, the ovary cyst may get stuck, and unable to develop fully because of haphazard hormone production. As a result, the ovaries fail to spit out the egg, and this immature cyst makes one or both of the ovaries swell. However, these enlarged cysts would not rip open or cause pain.
That Women with PCOS are Obese
Obesity is a key symptom of PCOS, but it is not necessary that every woman affected with PCOS should be obese or overweight. Only two or three symptoms of PCOS can trigger this health issue. Depending on the specific symptom as well as your objective, a doctor would suggest the proper treatment method. That is, excess male hormone secretion, as well as abnormal menstrual cycles caused by PCOS, can be easily tackled using birth control pills. Nevertheless, this treatment method would not be a suitable option for those who are trying to conceive. Usually, a low-carb diet teamed with a proper exercise routine is recommended to obese patients in order to address PCOS. It does bear noting that such a diet would ideally be approved by the treating physician.
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